Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta local guide. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta local guide. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2025


Respirar la magia de una ciudad que despierta suavemente bajo los primeros rayos del sol. Las calles empedradas, bañadas por una luz tenue y dorada, parecen susurrar historias de antaño. Entre los edificios estrechos y llenos de carácter, destila la Historia.

Este rincón parece sacado de un sueño romántico, donde cada paso es una invitación a descubrir secretos escondidos entre las sombras y la luz.

Acompáñame en un recorrido por calles como esta, donde cada esquina tiene una historia que contar. Juntos exploraremos la esencia de la ciudad, capturando momentos que quedarán grabados en tu memoria para siempre. ¿Te animas a vivir esta experiencia única.?

Explorar la fascinante ciudad de La Habana puede ser una experiencia inolvidable, pero para aprovechar al máximo tu visita, considera contratar un guía de turismo local. Estos expertos conocen la ciudad como nadie más y pueden ofrecerte una serie de ventajas que transformarán tu viaje en algo especial.

En primer lugar, un guía local te brindará un conocimiento profundo de la historia, la cultura y las tradiciones de La Habana. Podrás sumergirte en su rica herencia colonial, descubrir los secretos de la Revolución Cubana y conocer los lugares más emblemáticos de la ciudad. Su experiencia te permitirá comprender mejor los aspectos más significativos de la cultura cubana y te ayudará a apreciar las sutilezas y peculiaridades de la vida en la capital.

En segundo lugar, un guía de turismo local puede llevarte a lugares auténticos y menos conocidos que no aparecen en las guías turísticas convencionales. Con su conocimiento local, pueden mostrarte rincones ocultos, restaurantes auténticos y puntos de vista panorámicos que no habrías descubierto por tu cuenta. Además, pueden recomendarte actividades y eventos que se adapten a tus intereses específicos, permitiéndote disfrutar de una experiencia personalizada y única.

Por último, pero no menos importante, un guía local te ayudará a navegar por la ciudad de manera segura y eficiente. La Habana puede resultar abrumadora para los visitantes debido a su laberinto de calles y su transporte público confuso. Un guía experimentado se asegurará de que te desplaces de forma segura y te ahorrará tiempo al evitar posibles contratiempos. Además, podrán ayudarte con el idioma, ya que el dominio del español es fundamental en muchas interacciones en Cuba.

En resumen, contratar un guía de turismo local en tu viaje a La Habana te brindará un conocimiento profundo, acceso a lugares auténticos y una experiencia segura y eficiente. No solo aprenderás sobre la historia y la cultura de la ciudad, sino que también disfrutarás de una perspectiva local que enriquecerá tu experiencia de viaje. Así que, si deseas descubrir todos los encantos de La Habana, considera contar con un guía que te acompañe en tu aventura.

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lunes, 24 de febrero de 2025



I have been a guide (independent) for quite some time now. I am a teacher.
When I am doing my Walking City tours my main goal is to give a clear image of Cuba to as many persons as possible. Much what is known about Cuba is rooted in the  politics  but  it is important to give a deeper knowledge about Cuba: its people, beauty and culture.

Walking Tour in Old Havana,  other parts of the city  that the official or usual tours never shows, not to mention those stories we keep in our heart and soul and never told in guide-books

Private City Tours in Havana. 
A historian, guide, and friend all rolled into one. The passion for my country and my city in particular is what identify 
me. I will teach you and show you about those little streets, the details, the colors and great History of Havana. My 
tours are walking tours, Discovering fantastic streets, churches, museums, fabulous and old buildings, but also 
extraordinary bars and the rebirth of the Havana's restaurants. What else? Well, let's walk out of the tourist's path never do.

My city tour is mostly a walking tour in the old part of the city( although not exclusively) . It is mostly historical, and about arts (architecture and museum) . It can be planned in 2 days if needed. I actively work with several generations of Cubans and I know the reality and beauty of my country in depth . You are going to start the tour as a tourist and will finish as a traveler who have seen and listened what common tourists will never do.
We will make the first part from a square to square as the city grew, Havana was a typical spanish city and it share a 
common heritage, then the magic start, the streets communicating the sqaures, So, we start at the squares : Plaza de Armas, 
Plaza de la Catedral, Plaza vieja, Plaza de San Francisco, Parque Central, Plaza del Cristo. Important streets: Prado, 
Mercaderes, Obispo, O'Reilly, Malecon

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Humberto Linares

Whatsapp and Telegram : +53 52646921

Visit our website for more information:

viernes, 2 de agosto de 2024

World Bank: Cuba Has the Best Education System




World Bank: Cuba Has the Best Education System in Latin America and the Caribbean

In terms of education, this Caribbean country has no cause to be envious of even the most developed nations. The Caribbean island is also the nation in the world that allocates the highest share of its national budget, 13 percent, to education.

According to the international organization, Cuba is the only country in Latin America and the Caribbean to have a high quality education system.  

In Latin America, kindergarten, primary and secondary teachers constitute, in human terms, a resource of 7 million people, or 4 percent of the region's workforce and more than 20 percent of all technical and professional workers. Their salaries absorb 4 percent of the continent's GDP. Their working conditions vary from one region to another, even within national borders. Teachers, mostly women -- 75 percent on average -- are poorly paid and tend to be of lower socioeconomic status. In addition, the average age of teachers is more than 40. Thus they constitute a workforce considered to be "aging." 

The World Bank notes that the government scrutinizes carefully "the quality and practices of teachers," particularly at a time when the objectives of education systems are required to adapt to new realities. The emphasis is now on skills and not merely on the accumulation of knowledge.

The report's findings are final. The World Bank emphasizes "the poor quality of Latin American and the Caribbean teachers," a condition that constitutes the main obstacle to the advancement of education across the continent. Further, academic content is inadequate and educational practices ineffective. Insufficiently or poorly trained teachers devote only 65 percent of their time to classroom instruction, "the equivalent of wasting an entire day of instruction per week." In addition, available instructional materials are under utilized, especially those that deal with new information technologies and communication. Finally, teachers struggle to assert their authority, keep their students engaged and retain their attention. 

According to the financial institution, with the notable exception of Cuba, "no teaching faculty in the region can be considered to be of high quality when compared to global parameters." The World Bank also notes that "today, no Latin American school system, with the possible exception of that of Cuba, has the high standards, strong academic talent,  and high degree of professional autonomy that characterizes the world's most effective educational systems, such as those of Finland, Singapore, Shanghai (China), the Republic of Korea, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Canada." 

Indeed, only Cuba, where education has been the top priority since 1959, has a truly efficient education system and high-quality teachers. In terms of education, this Caribbean country has no cause to be envious of even the most developed nations. The Caribbean island is also the nation in the world that allocates the highest share of its national budget, 13 percent, to education.

This is not the first time that the World Bank has praised the education system of Cuba. In a previous report, the organization characterized the excellence of the island's social system:

Cuba is internationally recognized for its success in the fields of education and health, with social services that exceeds those of most developing countries and, in certain sectors, are comparable to those of the developed nations. The country has created a social system that ensures universal access to education and health services, provided by the state. This model has helped Cuba to achieve universal literacy, eradicate diseases and provide universal access to safe drinking water and basic public sanitation. Cuba now has one of the region's lowest infant mortality rates and longest life expectancies. Today, the social performance of Cuba is one of the best in the developing world, a fact well documented by many international bodies including the World Health Organization, the United Nations Program for Development and other UN agencies as well as the World Bank. [...] Cuba outperforms both Latin American and Caribbean as well as many other middle-income countries in the most important indices of education.

The World Bank points out that the development of good education systems is vital to the future of Latin America and the Caribbean. It highlights the example of Cuba, which has achieved excellence in this field, as being the only country on the continent to have a high-level teaching faculty. These results reflect the political will of the Cuban leadership that places young people at the center of the social project and allocates the resources necessary for their acquisition of requisite knowledge and skills. Despite its limited resources as a Third World nation and a state of economic siege imposed by the United States for more than half a century, based on the maxim of José Martí, its Apostle and national hero, "to be cultured is to be free," Cuba demonstrates that quality education is within the reach of all nations

Humberto, Guide & Teacher in Havana Whatsapp +5352646921