Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta cuban culture. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta cuban culture. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 4 de agosto de 2023



I have been a guide (independent) for quite some time now. I am a teacher.
When I am doing my Walking City tours my main goal is to give a clear image of Cuba to as many persons as possible. Much what is known about Cuba is rooted in the  politics  but  it is important to give a deeper knowledge about Cuba: its people, beauty and culture.

Walking Tour in Old Havana,  other parts of the city  that the official or usual tours never shows, not to mention those stories we keep in our heart and soul and never told in guide-books

Private City Tours in Havana. 
A historian, guide, and friend all rolled into one. The passion for my country and my city in particular is what identify 
me. I will teach you and show you about those little streets, the details, the colors and great History of Havana. My 
tours are walking tours, Discovering fantastic streets, churches, museums, fabulous and old buildings, but also 
extraordinary bars and the rebirth of the Havana's restaurants. What else? Well, let's walk out of the tourist's path never do.

My city tour is mostly a walking tour in the old part of the city( although not exclusively) . It is mostly historical, and about arts (architecture and museum) . It can be planned in 2 days if needed. I actively work with several generations of Cubans and I know the reality and beauty of my country in depth . You are going to start the tour as a tourist and will finish as a traveler who have seen and listened what common tourists will never do.
We will make the first part from a square to square as the city grew, Havana was a typical spanish city and it share a 
common heritage, then the magic start, the streets communicating the sqaures, So, we start at the squares : Plaza de Armas, 
Plaza de la Catedral, Plaza vieja, Plaza de San Francisco, Parque Central, Plaza del Cristo. Important streets: Prado, 
Mercaderes, Obispo, O'Reilly, Malecon


Humberto Linares

Whatsapp and Telegram : +53 52646921

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2016

Old Havana : Floridita & Bodeguita

Old Havana : Floridita & Bodeguita

"My Daiquirí at the Floridita and my Mojito at the Bodeguita" used to say Hemingway. He drank lots of them. During the first seven years in Cuba, he lived in one of the rooms of the Ambos Mundos hotel and was at an equal walking distance of these two bars. A traditional visit of Old Havana, considered as Cultural World Heritage, does not include necessarily a bar tour.
You can have a general idea within an hour, walking between its main four squares: the Cathedral Square, the Arms Square, Saint Francis of Assisi Square and Old Square. But even if you stay ten years, you may be able not to visit all of it.