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jueves, 27 de junio de 2024

Ernest Hemingway in Cuba

 Ernest Hemingway had a deep love for Cuba and Havana, where he spent many years of his life. In a Spanish interview in 1954 after winning the Nobel Prize, Hemingway said: "I am very happy to be the first Cuban to win this prize. I am glad that the authorities have said it is based on a Cuban landscape". This shows his connection to the island and how it influenced his work.

Hemingway found in Cuba a refuge to escape the world and write in peace, especially at his Finca Vigía estate near Havana. According to Gabriel García Márquez, when Hemingway chose places to write, his preference for the Hotel Ambos Mundos in Havana "could only have one explanation: without intending to, perhaps without knowing it, he was succumbing to other charms of Cuba, different and more difficult to decipher than the great fish of September and more important for his troubled soul than the four walls of his room".

Fishing seems to have been one of the main reasons that brought Hemingway to Havana, where he enjoyed the best fishing he had ever seen in his life. His love for Cuba is reflected in his work and life, spending decades on the island until his death in 1961.

Humberto, Guide & Teacher in Havana Whatsapp +5352646921