jueves, 9 de mayo de 2024

What type of clothing is recommended for a trip to Cuba ?

 What type of clothing is recommended for a trip to Cuba ?

Cuba, with its vibrant tropical climate, requires a suitable wardrobe selection to maximize your travel experience. Here are some recommendations on what to pack for Cuba:

1. Tank tops and short-sleeved shirts: You'll practically live in tank tops during the day. Opt for breathable and quick-drying fabrics.

2.Light jackets and capes: Although Cuba is usually warm, nights can cool down. Bring a lightweight jacket or cape to be prepared.

3. Skirts and dresses: Cuba is a fun place to wear a long, flowing skirt. Dresses are also ideal for exploring the island with style.

4. Loose and short pants: Convertible pants are an excellent choice. You can convert them to long pants for the flight and short pants for walking around Cuba. They are also comfortable and quick-drying.

5. Foot protection: Opt for lightweight or athletic shoes. Instead of flip-flops and high heels, consider sandals. Don't forget to pack a pair of comfortable sandals for the beach.

6. Swimwear and beachwear: Don't forget your swimsuit , Cuban beaches are spectacular. Also, bring a sarong or a tank top to cover up when you step out of the water.

7. Accessories: A hat or cap to protect you from the sun, sunglasses, and sunscreen are essentials. You can also bring a lightweight scarf to protect your neck and shoulders from the sun.

8. Laundry bags: Bring a bag for dirty laundry and another for storing beach sandals filled with sand.

More info about Cuba?

Humberto, Guide & Teacher in Havana Whatsapp +5352646921 


Remember to check the weather forecast before traveling to pack accordingly. Enjoy the won

derful Cuba 🌴🇨🇺

martes, 16 de abril de 2024

¿Por qué viajar a Cuba?

 Al planificar una experiencia de viaje, las personas anhelan una combinación de elementos que les brinden plenitud y enriquecimiento. Aquí está un resumen de lo que una persona podría desear en su experiencia de viaje a Cuba:

1. descubrimiento: Viajar a Cuba ofrece la oportunidad de explorar lo desconocido. Las personas desean aventuras emocionantes, descubrir nuevos lugares, culturas y paisajes, y Cuba puede dártelo de manera temperada, sin grandes alardes, pero hermosa 

2. Conexiones humanas: En un viaje, las personas buscan conexiones significativas con otros. Quieren conocer a personas locales, compartir historias y aprender de sus vidas. Lo mejor de Cuba es su gente.

3. Relajación y escapada : Algunas personas anhelan un escape del estrés diario. Buscan destinos tranquilos, playas soleadas o retiros en la naturaleza para recargar energías.

5. Crecimiento personal: Viajar puede ser transformador. Las personas desean aprender sobre sí mismas, superar miedos y ampliar sus horizontes, y en esto Cuba puede ayudarle. Un país que ha sido acosado y difamado injustamente puede hacerte ver el precio y el costo de la experiencia de ser diferente.

6. Gastronomía y cultura: La comida y la cultura son aspectos esenciales de un viaje. Las personas quieren probar platos locales, visitar mercados y sumergirse en tradiciones.

7. Exploración espiritual: Algunos viajeros buscan experiencias espirituales. Pueden meditar en entornos naturales o conectarse con su interior en paisajes asombrosos.

8. Fotografía y recuerdos: Las personas desean capturar momentos especiales. Buscan paisajes pintorescos, monumentos icónicos y momentos únicos para fotografiar. La Habana es una de las ciudades más fotografíadas del mundo.

9. Aventura culinaria: Probar platos auténticos es una parte emocionante del viaje. Las personas anhelan degustar sabores locales y experimentar la diversidad gastronómica.

En resumen, una experiencia de viaje combina lo emocionante con lo relajante, lo cultural con lo personal, y lo inesperado con lo memorable.

 ¡Un viaje a Cuba puede ser uno de esos viajes llenos de momentos inolvidables!

Humberto Guia & Maestro en la Habana Whatsapp +5352646921 

Why traveling to Cuba?

 When planning a travel experience, people yearn for a combination of elements that bring them fulfillment and enrichment. Here’s a summary of what someone might desire in their travel experience to Cuba:

Discovery: Traveling to Cuba offers the opportunity to explore the unknown. People crave exciting adventures, discovering new places, cultures, and landscapes. Cuba provides this in a tempered yet beautiful way, without grandiosity.

Human Connections: During a journey, individuals seek meaningful connections with others. They want to meet local people, share stories, and learn from their lives. The best part of Cuba is its people.

Relaxation and Escape: Some yearn for an escape from daily stress. They seek tranquil destinations, sunny beaches, or nature retreats to recharge their energy.

Personal Growth: Travel can be transformative. People desire self-discovery, overcoming fears, and broadening their horizons. In this regard, Cuba can help. A country that has been unfairly persecuted and defamed can make you appreciate the price and cost of being different.

Gastronomy and Culture: Food and culture are essential aspects of any trip. Individuals want to taste local dishes, visit markets, and immerse themselves in traditions.

Spiritual Exploration: Some travelers seek spiritual experiences. They may meditate in natural surroundings or connect with their inner selves amidst breathtaking landscapes.

Photography and Memories: People want to capture special moments. They search for picturesque landscapes, iconic monuments, and unique photo opportunities. Havana is one of the most photographed cities in the world.

Culinary Adventure: Trying authentic dishes is an exciting part of the journey. Individuals crave tasting local flavors and experiencing gastronomic diversity.

In summary, a travel experience combines the exciting with the relaxing with the memorable. A trip to Cuba can be one of those journeys filled with unforgettable moments! 

Humberto, Guide & Teacher in Havana Whatsapp +5352646921 

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2024

Cuba and IMF

 Answering the friend's questions 

Cuba does not have access to loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) due to the following reasons:

- Cuba is not a member of the IMF, the World Bank (WB), or the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

- The Helms-Burton Act imposed by the United States prevents Cuba from joining these international financial institutions.

- The economic blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba also limits the country's access to international credits and financial transactions.

- This has forced foreign companies operating with Cuban banks to process their operations through intermediary banks, incurring additional costs.

- Foreign experts have advised the Cuban government on the possibility of Cuba joining the IMF, but the normalization of diplomatic relations with the United States and the removal of political conditions are necessary for this to happen.

In summary, the economic blockade imposed by the United States and Cuba's lack of membership in the main international financial institutions prevent it from accessing IMF loans at present.

Humberto, Guide & Teacher in Havana Whatsapp +5352646921

miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2024


The "Cuban ajiaco" is another typical dish of Cuban cuisine, consisting of a thick broth made with beef, pork, chicken, and various root vegetables such as cassava, malanga, yam, plantain, pumpkin, and corn. It is flavored with lemon, chili pepper, and other spices. Considered a symbol of Cuban identity and culture, it reflects the blend of different culinary influences.

On the other hand, "congri" or "Moros y Cristianos" is a typical Cuban dish made of white rice cooked with black beans. Its name alludes to the history of Spain where Moors (Muslims) and Christians clashed during the Reconquista. This dish is served as a side with meats, salads, and fried plantains.

Cuban black beans are a popular bean stew in Cuban and Latin American cuisine. They are cooked with onion, garlic, bell pepper, bay leaf, vinegar, wine, sugar, and various spices, served with rice or as a standalone dish. They are nutritious, flavorful, and easy to make.

The "caldosa" is a typical Cuban dish consisting of a thick stew of meat and vegetables. Originating from central Cuba, it is considered one of the most popular and traditional dishes on the island. Caldosa is prepared with various root vegetables like malanga, cassava, sweet potato, plantain, pumpkin, and corn; meats such as pork, beef or chicken; vegetables like onion, garlic, bell pepper, tomato, and cilantro. Seasoned with spices like cumin, oregano, bay leaf, salt and pepper; it is enhanced with a touch of vinegar, wine or orange juice.

Lastly, "yuca con mojo" is a typical Cuban dish made of boiled yuca seasoned with a sauce of garlic, citrus fruits and olive oil. It is an easy and flavorful recipe ideal to accompany roast pork, congri rice, fried plantains or salad. A delicious representation of Cuban cuisine! 😋

Humberto, Guide & Teacher in Havana Whatsapp +5352646921



WHATSSAP: +53 52646921

INSTAGRAM: humberto_habana



sábado, 24 de febrero de 2024

CUBA, platos típicos

 Cuba, con su sazón inigualable, ofrece una rica variedad de platos típicos que reflejan la fusión de culturas taínas, españolas, africanas y caribeñas. Si eres amante de la comida, aquí tienes algunos platos emblemáticos que debes probar durante tu visita:

1. Ropa vieja: Un clásico de la gastronomía cubana. Originario de las Islas Canarias, este plato consiste en carne deshilachada (generalmente de res, pero a veces de cerdo) cocinada con pasta de tomate, pimiento rojo, cebolla, ajo y aceitunas. Acompáñalo con arroz blanco y tostones.

2. Ajiaco: Representa la cubanía en su máxima expresión. Este espeso caldo combina carne de cerdo o res con maíz, yuca, malanga, calabaza, boniato, plátano verde, ajo, ají picante, comino, sal y limón. Es un plato casero y tradicional, perfecto para días festivos y reuniones familiares.

3. Moros y cristianos o congrí: El arroz mezclado con frijoles cocidos al mismo tiempo es conocido como congrí. Aunque algunos lo llaman "moros y cristianos", no es exactamente lo mismo. Este plato es un básico en la alimentación cubana y se sirve con frecuencia.

5. Caldosa: Una sopa espesa que combina carne de res, cerdo o pollo con vegetales y especias. Es reconfortante y perfecta para los días más frescos.

6. Frijoles negros cubanos: Los frijoles negros son un elemento esencial en la dieta cubana. Se sirven con arroz blanco y son deliciosos con un toque de ajo y comino.

7. Vaca frita: Carne de res marinada, desmenuzada y luego frita hasta que esté crujiente. Se sirve con cebolla y limón, y es una delicia para los amantes de la carne.

8. Yuca con mojo: La yuca hervida y luego bañada en una salsa de ajo, limón y aceite de oliva. Es un acompañamiento sabroso y popular en Cuba.

9. Tamal en hojas o en cazuela: Los tamales cubanos pueden ser de cerdo, pollo o pescado, envueltos en hojas de plátano o cocidos en cazuela. Son una delicia para el paladar.

Estos son solo algunos ejemplos de la riqueza culinaria de Cuba. ¡Anímate a probarlos y sumérgete en los sabores tropicales de la isla! 🌴🇨🇺.

Humberto Guia & Maestro en la Habana

 Whatsapp +5352646921

Instagram: humberto_habana



WHATSSAP: +53 52646921

INSTAGRAM: humberto_habana







CUBA, best season for visiting

The best time to visit Cuba is during the dry season, which typically spans from late November until mid-April. During this period, you can enjoy pleasant temperatures ranging between 26°C and 30°C with minimal rainfall of approximately 45–80 millimeters.

Cuba is charming all year round, but during winter months, the Caribbean climate is ideal, featuring sunshine, warm temperatures, and fewer storms. So, if you're planning a trip to this beautiful island, be prepared to savor its charm under the sun! ☀️🌴Humberto Guía & Master in Havana
WhatsApp: +5352646921Instagram: humberto_habana