miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2024


 La mejor época para visitar Cuba es durante la estación seca, que generalmente abarca desde finales de noviembre hasta mediados de abril. Durante este período, podrás disfrutar de un clima agradable con temperaturas cálidas que oscilan entre los 26°C y 30°C, y con precipitaciones mínimas de entre 45 y 80 milímetros.

Cuba es encantadora durante todo el año, pero en los meses de invierno, el clima caribeño es perfecto, con sol, temperaturas cálidas y menos tormentas. Así que, si estás planeando un viaje a esta hermosa isla, ¡prepárate para disfrutar de su encanto bajo el sol! ☀️🌴🇨🇺.

Humberto Guia & Maestro en la Habana Whatsapp +5352646921

Instagram: humberto_habana





lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2023


 First of all, visiting Cuba is always worthy

Like any question, it can have several answers. It depends on the type of trip you plan to do.

After two years of the pandemic and before with Trump's (maintained) measures to accentuate the US blockade, conditions have changed a lot. Cuba faces an even more acute crisis in basic supplies, said grocery stores and supplies for example to Paladares or private restaurants. 

There is a sector of the population that openly speculates on food and stockpiles it, acquired in special stores supposedly opened to relieve at least one part of the population that received money from abroad, and then this sector openly re-sells it to the one hundred percent or more of what it cost, making it almost impossible even for landlords to get almost essential items for their work. That is the main reason why prices in private rentals are in dollars or euros, although they are kept at the level prior to the pandemic.

You can imagine that there must be little assortment, and when there is then it is expensive, in restaurants and palates.

So, Already private businesses, such as paladares (private restaurants) and vacation accommodations in houses and apartments, are improving their conditions and allowing for higher-quality services and perhaps in the near future things will have improved in that and other respects, such as the  night life. You know, Ukraine war, oil and stuff.

However, in the hotels in the main cities and resorts, which usually have an all-inclusive program, the situation is different. Most of them are managed by foreign companies and we assume that they import a large part of the supplies, or have agreements with Cuban producers that guarantee them fruits, vegetables and other items upon receiving payments in hard currency.

In this way, basic services within the hotel would be guaranteed, you could enjoy the city during the day (even with the aforementioned limitations, extra-hotel services are being activated) and also enjoy other possibilities such as rides in classic cars , cars, hiring with private guides with the different historical, artistic and social tours. And the ever-present music.

Well, that's my advice, for the moment all-inclusive hotels are the best choice. Private houses and apartments are always an option for independence, but still it is better to wait if young children or old people are coming.

but it doesn't matter where you go, a local guide is a great option. Almost 80% of the visitors go back to their country without understanding Cuban reality, an unbiased explanation,  is a great experience and a great opportunity to better understand the Cuban reality and its contributions at all levels.

Humberto. Guide and Teacher in Havana

WhatsApp +5352646921 for information and reservations.

more photos on instagram : humberto_habana




martes, 15 de agosto de 2023



Viva una experiencia inolvidable en el corazón de la mágica Habana Vieja.

 Este bonito y comodo apartamento goza de una ubicación privilegiada a pasos de la entrada a la Bahía y las principales atracciones, restaurantes, museos, salones de baile. 

Desde sus amplios ventanales, deleítese con las maravillosas vistas y disfrute de la brisa natural del mar Caribe.

Cada una de las habitaciones cuenta con aire acondicionado y baño privado para su máxima comodidad. 

Y para que su estancia sea verdaderamente placentera, ofrecemos limpieza diaria,  mientras usted sale a descubrir los rincones de esta fascinante ciudad, además de lencería de excelente calidad. 

No pierda la oportunidad de hospedarse en el mejor apartamento de La Habana Vieja. 

Contáctenos y convierta sus vacaciones en Cuba en una experiencia inolvidable.

informacion y reservas: Whatssap +5352646921

PAGINA WEB: https://www.mycubarent.com/cuba60.html


BUEN SAMARITANO: https://cubatravelhelp.blogspot.com/2023/08/apartamento-buen-samaritano-la-habana.html

martes, 8 de agosto de 2023


Apartamento independiente con vista a la ciudad en Vedado, La Habana

Este hermoso apartamento está ubicado en el corazón de Vedado, a pocos pasos de la avenida Línea, la Embajada de Estados Unidos y el Malecón de La Habana. El apartamento tiene dos habitaciones, una sala de estar, una cocina y un baño. Todas las habitaciones están climatizadas y tienen ventanas con vistas a la ciudad. La cocina está equipada con todo lo necesario para cocinar, incluida una nevera, una cocina de gas, utensilios de cocina y un horno microondas. El apartamento también cuenta con TV digital, equipo reproductor de video/música, ventilador, muebles cómodos y servicio de limpieza diario.

El apartamento está ubicado en un edificio con ascensor moderno, lo que facilita el acceso a todas las comodidades del vecindario. Cerca se encuentran restaurantes, bares, teatros, cines y más. El apartamento también está cerca de una zona WIFI donde puede acceder a Internet.

El apartamento es seguro y está ubicado en una zona tranquila. El edificio tiene seguridad las 24 horas del día y el vecindario es patrullado por la policía.

Características del apartamento:

·    Dos habitaciones climatizadas

·    Sala de estar con TV digital

·    Cocina equipada

·    Baño con agua caliente

·    Servicio de limpieza diario

·   Ubicado en el corazón de Vedado

·  Cerca de restaurantes, bares, teatros, cines y más

·  Seguridad las 24 horas del día

·  Zona tranquila

Servicios adicionales:

·   Desayuno y cena opcionales

·  Otros servicios extras disponibles

¡Reserve su estadía hoy y disfrute de todo lo que La Habana tiene para ofrecer!


instagram: cubamigos

mas fotos: http://mycubarent.com/apart_buen_samaritano.htmlhttp://mycubarent.com/apart_buen_samaritano.html


Apt. with city views, elevator, and all the amenities you need

This beautifully decorated apartment is located in the heart of Havana, just steps from the Malecón and all the action. The apartment has two air-conditioned bedrooms with windows, a living room, kitchen, and bathroom. All the amenities you need are included, such as TV, music player, fans, microwave, refrigerator, kitchen, and washing machine.

The apartment is also centrally located, making it easy to get around. There is a modern elevator in the building, and public transportation is available on Linea Avenue. The Embassies area, theaters, cinemas, hotels, and banks are all within walking distance. There is also a WIFI area nearby where you can access the internet.

The apartment is safe and secure, and the area is very walkable. Soak up the sights and sounds of Havana from your balcony, or head out to explore all the city has to offer.

Here are some additional details that you might want to include:

·         The apartment is located on the 5th floor of a 10-story building.

·         There is a balcony with views of the city.

·         The apartment is furnished with modern furniture.

·         The kitchen is fully equipped with all the necessary appliances.

·         The bathroom has a bathtub and shower.

·         The apartment is cleaned daily.

·         Breakfast and dinner are available for an additional fee.


INSTAGRAM: cubamigos

more photos: http://mycubarent.com/apart_buen_samaritano.html

viernes, 14 de julio de 2023

Hotel Plaza: de edificio familiar a alojamiento de colección

 Corre el año 1895 y una mansión acaba de ver la luz en una zona céntrica de la capital cubana. Perteneciente a la familia Pedroso, el nuevo inmueble es un palacete triangular que se extiende a lo largo de dos caminos: una magnifica excentricidad para la época, que deja a todos boquiabiertos y admirados.

Corre el año 1895 y una mansión acaba de ver la luz en una zona céntrica de la capital cubana. Perteneciente a la familia Pedroso, el nuevo inmueble es un palacete triangular que se extiende a lo largo de dos caminos: una magnifica excentricidad para la época, que deja a todos boquiabiertos y admirados.

Los años posteriores lo verán convertirse en casino y lugar de ocio y reposo de los más ricos y famosos. José Raúl Capablanca, Albert Einstein y el mismísimo Meyer Lansky dejarán huellas en sus salones y amplias habitaciones; a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX quien aquí se aloje estará latiendo en el corazón de una Habana el triple de grande y hermosa.

En un futuro muy próximo,  Meliá Hotels International tendrá la suerte de ser guardián de su memoria. El Plaza se incorporará al catálogo de la hotelera mallorquina bajo la marca The Meliá Collection, una iniciativa que llevará los estándares y valores de la empresa a propiedades boutique o de gran valor patrimonial e histórico.

Más de 180 habitaciones en el centro de la Habana y una gran variedad de servicios estarán disponibles para los viajeros, quienes podrán disfrutar desde sus predios de una ciudad vibrante y bendecida por la multiculturalidad. El Capitolio, el Paseo del Prado, el majestuoso edificio Bacardí, la fortaleza de San Carlos de la Cabaña y los Tres Reyes del Morro, -vecinos añejos y otros más contemporáneos- acompañarán al Plaza en su perdurar junto a una comunidad de hospitalarios y alegres pobladores.

Los calendarios venideros se pintan de éxitos para esta excepcional construcción que, más de un siglo después, reinará en la calle Zulueta entre Virtudes y Neptuno como parte de una colección de grandes hoteles, servicios y experiencias. Por supuesto, con el sello Meliá Cuba.

Humberto. Habana. Havana. Local Guide & teacher.

walking tours. Vintage Car Tours

info & reservas whatssap: +5352646921

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2021


 Can you imagine the state that your current car will be in 2061, much less whether it will still be driveable? It is estimated that there are at least 50,000 museum pieces still rolling around Cuba's streets, often in use as taxis. Set against the beautiful and crumbling facades of Old Havana, the effect of these chromebedecked classics is to transport the onlooker back to the 1950s and gives one the sensation of having walked onto a film set.

For car enthusiasts, the best background against which to photograph these machines, other than the classic Malecón shot, is the Capitolio Building, which was point zero for measuring distances by road from Havana.

Throughout the course of the 1950's, tail fins of Cadillac, Buick, Chevrolet and Dodge grew and grew as if infused with a desire to sit resplendent on a jet fighter rather than drive to the nearest convenience store. By 1958-9, they had collapsed altogether into huge eyebrows in what now seems like canny stylistic preparation for the swinging 60's.

Whilst Chevrolets outsold other models, including the enormous Cadillac, in pre-Revolutionary Cuba the latter have actually lasted better and are probably more common today. In the 1950's, Cuba was in fact the top world export market for Cadillacs, with one of the highest ownership ratios per head anywhere in the world. Given the general Mafia involvement in the island and corrupt nature of Batista's political apparatus, this is perhaps unsurprising.

A marketing mistake that could perhaps have foretold some of today's woes was the Ford Edsel which, while conceived in the 1954 boom, was only launched in 1957 by which time America was in the midst of a recession. The Edsel was designed as a new mid-price brand, which would enable Ford better to compete with General Motors. Unfortunately for Ford the public did not want, or was not ready for, another relatively expensive car, especially one of dubious style and substance. Sales only just breached 100,000 (the annual target) in the entire life of the car before the line was dropped with Ford suffering a serious US$ 250 million loss onthe project.

The unique radiator design, (called the" horse-collar" at the time) is pure Freud on steroids, perhaps appropriately so since there are a number of these beauties now in use as wedding cars in Havana.

In the early 1990's, in the midst of the special period, some of these cars were taken out of Cuba and have reportedly been sold, once restored, for astronomical prices. Due to regulatory changes, the export of these cars is now impossible, and the cars themselves seem determined never to give up roaring majestically through Havana's streets.


Whatssap & Telegram: +53 5264692

email: cubamigos@yahoo.es , cubangel@gmail.com







