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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Tampa. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

It’s official: Carnival Cruise Line new trips to Cuba

It’s official: Carnival announced new trips to Cuba
and remember: walking with a local will make the difference)

The cruise line Carnival has announced that will soon be sailing to the Cuban capital of Havana after receiving approval from the federal government.
Carnival says the visits comply with U.S. Department of Treasury regulations permitting operators to transport approved travelers to Cuba to engage in activities as defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Foreign Assets Control.
“The U.S. Government has established policy guidelines that govern the travel requirements for U.S. citizens to visit Cuba. There are essentially 12 different approved ways to visit Cuba including “People to People” interactions and a variety of other options,” says Terry Thornton with the cruise line.
“We expect that most of our guests visiting Cuba as part one of our new cruise options will utilize the “People to People” opportunity,” Thornton added.
We also had to work closely with the Cuban government to gain their approval for our cruises as well as confirmation for the berth to dock the ship in Havana. Our final approval was granted and we are very excited to be able to offer these new cruise options to our guests”, he said.
Only one thing is never commented about: a first-hand experience, real one when you visit Cuba. This can be made true with a local guide, with a Cuban who loves his country and knows in detail the city. When the visitor goes off the ship and is on the street he/she will meet some characters offering their services., but they really don’t know much about Havana. Our advice is that before coming make a search on internet and be in contact with some Cuban professionals and invite him/her to guide you across Havana, to show you the city from the Cubans’ perspective and not only the official point of view.
On the other side you will have a unique experience, a completely different one from the rest of the hundreds of passengers, and you will be of help to a Cuban teacher, or architect, or artist who have to face the difficult conditions in the nowadays of Cuba. And  believe me when I say it is worthy, even when you have already paid a sort of tour with an official guide. Walking with a local will make the difference.

cuban teacher and guide: